Supply Chains and Social Entrepreneurship

Mentioned the schedule for the week yesterday. There are two major changes. Firstly, the learn by rote Corporate Governance exam has been postponed to the 7th. And, the scarier SAP-BIW exam has been scheduled for Friday 🙁

Woke up at 6.45am today to give the Supply Chain Modeling FCQ. The exam started at 7.15am amidst confusion and clarification over the 1st question. This turned out to be the easier and the solvable one for me. I knew the solution for the second one on paper but had absolutely no clue how to convert the solution into Excel 🙁

Whichever subject I choose, operations research follows me :'(

This followed by a quick breakfast and then a Social Entrepreneurship class in which we gave a presentation on Ibrahim Abouleish and Sekem.

Have been working on Financial Statement Analysis. Our topic is Jet Airways.

Don’t know when exactly I’m going to hit the bed tonight.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

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