Tag anniversary

14 Years of Blogging

Been traveling over the past three days and I completely forgot that I missed October the first. 14 years ago in a city far away from here, I decided to set up this blog as an experiment. It’s been 14…

And it’s a decade of blogging!

Yesterday marked the 10th anniversary of this blog. What started as an experiment to check out a new blogging tool called WordPress back in 2003 has become an integral part of my life. I completed my engineering and worked as…

A Busy Christmas Week

Been tied down all of this week with either gallivanting or working on my technology blog. So, here is a day-by-day summary of the last week or so. 25th December It’s Christmas day. Because of the Terror Attacks in Mumbai…

Dinner at 9

Yesterday was the 26th Wedding Anniversary of my parents and since Dad was in town the whole family of four trooped down to Peninsula for a Chinese dinner. Sorry folks, no photos. Dinner was good. I don’t always eat Chinese…

Free Opera for a Day!

Opera, one of the best browsers available today celebrates its 10th Anniversary. To celebrate this they are giving away complimentary registration for just one day ! Simply visit this page and enter your email address and you will receive the…