Tag blog

So have you shot his blog?

Received an email from Reno of Sho()ot My Blog. I quote the purpose of his blog: Take an original photo of my blog with your digital camera or mobile phone and send it to shootmyblogAThotmail.com. There’s only one requirement :…

Code my Blog now

Many of you may have heard of BlogCode. For those who haven’t heard of BlogCode, from their site: BlogCode.com is a fast, easy and intuitive source of blog recommendations based on the StoryCode.com model. It allows you to start with…

Transistion Complete

I have successfully moved the blog to its new host. I guess a few mails may have been lost during the transistion. If you notice any problems, 404s etc on the blog please do comment and let me know.

Cleanup my blog

Finally got down to removing what I felt unnecessary on this blog. These include the Newsletter which I added recently. Instead of using the Newsletter, I feel a better way to keep in track with the blog is to use…

Moving around

Spent whole of Saturday moving my website around my different hosting accounts. Firstly, I moved this blog AjayDSouza.com to my Netbunch account and moved my Gallery AjayDSouza.info under my reseller account at ASHosted. Lastly, I moved My Sherlock Holmes Pages…