Tag donation

Top Donor #2

The Top Donor Club, the elite-I-give-you-50-bucks-you-give-me-link club, just inducted its second member. He is Robert Jacobi of Baufinanzierung. Well, the site is in German so I can’t tell you much about them. Though, if you do speak German, a translation…

Donation #10

Thanks to Kevin Morriss for his donation of $10. Says he: Thanks for the theme. I’ve been using it about a year and just uploaded the new one. Please keep up the good work. Thanks for the donation Kevin. Glad…

Donation #8

Big thanks to Josue Salazar of SonneX Hosting for his donation of $5. He said: Ajay, i don’t even use your theme, but saw you were on $95 with donations, and $100 looks better, so there you go. Keep it…

Donation #7

Big thanks to Conor O’Neill for his donation of $15. He left a short and sweet note: Thanks for a great theme Ajay. Thanks for the donation. It feels great to wake up, check your email and see a donation…

Donation #5

A big thanks to Landi Gjoni for a donation of $30. Below was the note that was left: Hi Ajay, I don’t use your plugins, or themes (yet) but they seem cool, and I like the fact that you’re doing…

Donation #4

Thanks Clifford Mee for your donation of $20. He says: Thanks for the psd file Ajay – I’ve doubled your fund to $40 🙂 Keep up the good work.

Donation #3

Should have posted this a while back as a good Christmas gift 😉 Thanks to Fr. Daniel Sparks for his donation of $5. He left this comment: Thanks for all the WordPress support!