Tag mobile

The Unemployed Life Begins

As most of you are aware, I quit my job in order to study further. Began Saturday with a visit to the accounts department at L&T to finish of the settlement. Collected my service certificate 🙂 Skipped my class on…

Hunt for Nokia 6681

I finally decided to buy a Nokia 6681 and sell of my Nokia 6230. Ever since I decided to do so, the phone seems to be evading me. Set off with Gautam two weeks back to Irla where I got…

The end of the week… finally!

Finally, because last Saturday we were working and so this time we are actually get a full weekend (amidst rumours that we would have a half day tomorrow to compensate for that on last Monday). Today was a rather tiring…

A horrible day

Work today went on rather fine so no complains about that, but the rest of it was really crappy. This was mainly because my Nokia 6230 started giving problems! :(( The menus have started behaving very weirdly and I guess…

My experiences with Orange!

Meant to post this earlier, but just slipped my mind. On 16th of April, a person from Orange called up asking me to convert to billing. Since, my bro is getting a cellphone, I decided to shift my number. So…