I’m switching to Signal

I’ve been a very long time user on WhatsApp. While I can’t remember the exact date I signed up, I reckon this was probably around 2013, before Facebook acquired it for an eye-watering amount. For me, it was also an…
Pages, Places, and Ponderings
Pages, Places, and Ponderings
I’ve been a very long time user on WhatsApp. While I can’t remember the exact date I signed up, I reckon this was probably around 2013, before Facebook acquired it for an eye-watering amount. For me, it was also an…
I don’t know if I have to wonder or laugh at many people in college who thought that writing a blog was stupid. Many of these characters even used to spam the blog, without even realizing that every time they…
Everything I need to know about Life, I learned from Noah’s Ark Don’t miss the boat Remember that we are all in the same boat Plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the Ark Stay fit. When you are…
An Angel says, “Never borrow from the future. If you worry about what may happen tomorrow and it doesn’t happen, you have worried in vain. Even if it does happen, you have to worry twice.” 1. Pray 2. Go to…
My Valentine He gave his heart to His valentine “He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their wounds”. (Psalm 147:3) Levlyn was a very proud youth. He loved his heart and cherished over its goodness. Once Jesus appeared to Levlyn…
With 2005 just completed, as usual I sit down and evaluate how the past year was for me. Began 2005 on a rather bad note with the sad demise of U. Colin. 2nd of Jan marked a really important day…
I have always believed in this and many a times preached this. And as usual at times I tend to stop practicing what I preach. Have been telling my pals lately that my work life and personal life always work…
There’s 15 days for Christmas and I am sure while many have already decided what they will do, there may be many others who are still deciding! I’ve fallen perfectly into the latter. Have quite a few options, though I…
Came home really frustrated from work today. Not frustrated with what I do but with how much I am supposed to do. I don’t think I can call it frustration. I guess it is just plain exhaustion. Anyway, I’m blabbering……