A Trip to Paris

In spite of being in London for nearly 3 years now, I applied for a Schengen visa a few months back. To open the visa you’re required to visit the country your applying from and what better place to visit…
Pages, Places, and Ponderings
Pages, Places, and Ponderings
In spite of being in London for nearly 3 years now, I applied for a Schengen visa a few months back. To open the visa you’re required to visit the country your applying from and what better place to visit…
Christmas is the time of the year I’ve always looked out for. This year has been a very fulfilling year, which I shall write about in a future post. I took my core leave from 18 Dec to 3 Jan,…
Yes yes, I’m more than 10 days late with this post as well. But, managing to blog while attending lectures and being in two committees is a big big challenge. When I came down to Mumbai on January 4th, I…
Have I been busy or have I been bored, considering my last post was two months back! Well, busy is more like it. WebComm Team This team was instituted after Ravi and I joined / founded it. And work was…
Actually a Boeing 737. Woke up by 3.30am (not that I got much sleep earlier) and quickly got ready to leave. Mom insisted on coming with me to the airport (love you Mom) as I wasn’t too well. Spent a…