Ten Busy Days

The last week has be very crazy. Having worked on our Financial Statement Analysis, we finally submitted the same on October 2. Our presentation was rescheduled for 8th due to the upcoming summer placements.

Spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday cooped up in the vipasana hall working at the helpdesk for the summer placements of the juniors.

I’m not at liberty to discuss this, but I can say that we did a good amount of work, spent a good amount of time doing all kinds of activities and lastly eating and drinking till we burst! 😀

8th was a packed day. Woke up early in the morning to give a 7am final exam of Corporate Governance. I have no clue why we studied that subject!

Next had the FSA presentation to give, immediately followed by a Social Entrepreneurship presentation.

Following the class I had to work on the Software Project Management presentation which we did for yesterday.

Last evening and early this morning went towards the preparation of the Six Sigma event that has been going on today and tomorrow.

The rest of today has been rathe lazy. Have another presentation, this time on SAS scheduled for Monday. We have no clue what to do!

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282

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