The Lions have done it again!

Yes that’s what we have been called before and have been called again!

Went for the paper presentation at Fr. CRCE (Agnel’s), Bandra as part of their Technical Festibal CResCEndo 2004.
The event was coorganized by the IEEE, CSI and the ISME and hence was a large scale intercollegiate event.

As usual we presented our paper on “Secure Communication using Steganography” and demonstrated our software IndiSteg.

Even before the competition was over, i.e. in the break itself, we got a whole lot of people congratulating us on our success, inspite of three papers remaining to be presented.

Sure enough, the results in the end simply confirmed our win. With this, we have maintained our 100% record of our presentations on Steganography.
A good intercollege certificate to add to our collection and a good cash prize.

We also arranged for our photograph to be taken with the three judges and the organizers, and they willing obliged. Will get them on the blog once I collect them 🙂

Next went off to college as we had our rose and tie day today. Didn’t get any roses as expected, but got lots of congratulations coz of the win. Took a couple of photographs with few members of my college group and will post these also very soon.

Next week the class goes on a trip and so I’m gonna have a really nice free week to complete my journals and assignments!

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. Remember… Kingfisher light and hockey sticks! Anytime you are enthu, you know whom to call :mrgreen:

    And big congo’s on ur win mate…

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