The Picnic

Finally, the much awaited picnic.

The picnic was at Cerejo Farms in Vasai.

We started off later than expected because A. Anita‘s flight was delayed. Reached the place around 8.30am and had a good breakfast.

After this we had our usual game session. They broke us up into teams and made on-the-spot change to put James and me in seperate teams (I wonder why?).

Waited for the games to end (felt rather lack-lustre, I guess because of the heat) so that I could get into the pool and I was the second person to jump into the pool 😀

Stayed in the pool right until lunch time and after a brief siesta and a game of UNO, jumped back in.

So, basically I spent a good deal of time in the pool simply learning how to swim. And I think I did learn quite a bit as I managed to swim over half of the length of the pool. Could have managed more, but I kept running out of air 🙁
Swimmers will laugh at this, but when you are just learning to swim and attempting to do so in few hours, I think I did a pretty good job 🙂

Lunch, like breakfast was quite good.

We danced a bit after that and then left for home.

The journey home was rather time consuming because of the traffic. Reached home and immediately crashed into bed.

Woke up with body ache and a splitting headache on Monday morning, but had to go to work.
And I have also realized that I am majorly tanned!

Monday was yet another exhausting day. Thankfully I didn’t have choir practice. Slept early.

Today Tuesday is prayer meeting as usual. So, will be heading off there in the evening.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


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