Home/Fun Stuff/Pictures/This is how you put me to bedThis is how you put me to bedAjay1 March 2007Forwards, Fun Stuff, Jokes, Pictures2 CommentsReceived this cartoon from the Mouse.Related Posts:You know you are living in 2012 when...So have you shot his blog?Are you having troubles commenting?If you Study, you will Fail!Tags# computer jokes# Forwards# funny# Jokes# pictures Share this post with your friends! AjayMy name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker. Articles: 1282 Previous Post Top Donor #2 Next Post Which Pic Do You Pick? 2 CommentsTell me more…LOL! I think a lot of us internet junkies can relate to that. Comments are closed.
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LOL! I think a lot of us internet junkies can relate to that.