Two Movies in a Tiring Week

This has been one really really killing week.

Killing because in addition to work being non-stop and tiring and frustrating at times, I haven’t been keeping too well.

Saturday was the worst because I had a terrible headache right from Friday itself. Saturday just made it worse. Not sure what is the exact reason, but it could be lack of sleep.

Watched Walk the Line last Sunday and Syriana on Friday.

Work tended to be rather frustrating because once again my friend Murphy played his role to perfection. However I was satisfied by the end of the week, because we did manage to iron out a lot of bugs in the system and got it into some working state. However, I still have an uphill task ahead of me, which translates into an exhausting week ahead.

I didn’t make it for the prayer meeting this week, yet again (I think I should stop mentioning this) because my bike went for servicing. Her battery’s drained out (so was mine).

However, did make it for Monday choir practice. Didn’t go on Saturday because of the headache.

Dad was down last Sunday for a couple of hours on an office trip. He was back on Friday night and so as is customary we all went out for dinner to Gajalee. Ate well 😀

U. Conrad is out of town for a while and so this morning’s mass was sung without him. A. Janice had a guitar with her, so we weren’t devoid of music. The singing was good and so was mass.

Spent the whole of today at home. Managed to get Fedora Core 4 installed properly. I have a long way to go before I get to know Linux as well as I do Windows. However, this is one thing I keenly plan on pursuing.

Am off to bed now. Don’t want to end up with yet another splitting headache. And I am just beginning this week!

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

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