Two weeks stories in a post

I had meant to write individual posts, but am going to be really lazy.

It all began before 20th of May when I asked an erstwhile friend to come with me to watch The DaVinci Code. Due to various reasons that deserve a post of its own, the DaVinci code didn’t release as planned on 19th. However, the 20th of date rendezvous stood and we decided to go out for lunch.

After a lot of deliberation the place decided upon was Tunga, a place I haven’t been to since my dad took me there over 10-12 years back. (it has grown a lot since then)

We went to Something Fishy, which is a nice, but expensive joint. Food is good, but we ended up with a huge bill between the two of us :O (my highest to date)

We next headed over to the Dollar Store at The Hub in Jogeshwari. Ended up picking up some chocolates and juices 🙂

And the cashier forgot to put a can of shaving cream into my packet, and I forgot to check it. Realized only in the night, so post 9pm saw me riding back there to get the can. Didn’t face any problem as the same guy was there. Next time, I’m going to be more careful!

Spent almost the whole of Sunday at Melody‘s place revamping my oldest site. It’s still not complete and I really hope to get this done by this week.

It was back to work on Monday. The whole week at work was jam packed.

Went for the prayer meeting at Bandra on Tuesday after a long long time! Felt good.
Melody decided to have pani puri at bandstand. It was real fun to see madam munching the pani puri. Here’s a pic I managed to get of her (it is difficult to click a person moving, hence the bad pic)

Met up with Madam A on Wednesday for pizza at the Pizza Hut near my place. It’s been a while… the pizza that is 😉

This weekend began with a presentation to the director of my company and whole of Saturday morning went in that.

Reached home, rested a little while and the went to sing for a wedding mass at 3.30pm (in the hot sun!)

Because of the good time gap between the two masses, we all headed off to The Hub (once again), but this time to McDonalds for some burgers. Ate well 😉

Came back, sang for the 7pm mass and then headed back home immediately.

Sunday was movie day. Caught the early morning show of the DaVinci Code. Didn’t live up to the book, as I had heard.

Met up with a friend in the evening after a long long time! Went to a beach parallel to Juhu beach. Parked the bike there and had a mini-adventure getting the bike out while going home due to three levels of bikes being parked behind mine.
After a bit of wandering, we went to the Barista in Santa Cruz before dropping her home.

It’s back to work for the past two days. Had two good days at work. Didn’t go for the meeting today because my bike once again giving problem and it had started to drizzle.

Have my CET GD/PI tomorrow. Wish me the best of luck 🙂

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


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