Updated Plugin: WP Ajax Edit Comments

I’ve just released a minor update to WP Ajax Edit Comments.

WP Ajax Edit Comments allows users and admins to edit comments on a post. Users can edit their own comments for a limited time, while admins can edit all comments.

This update adds a much requested feature, viz. the ability to disable AEC on WordPress static pages. By default this has been enabled. You can head over to the options page in WP-Admin and turn it off if you want to.

On other counts, I am looking for icons for AEC. Currently, Ajax Edit Comments 2.0 makes use of the Circular Icons set by Ben Gillbanks. I intend to provide "styles" for AEC, where you can select which set of icons you would like displayed.

So, if you have any suggestions, do comment and let me know.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


    • Thank you Lise 🙂

      I updated the language file in the repository

      I didn’t want to push translators this time because there has been only one new term.

  1. Hey Ajay, I’m still loving AEC. One thing I’ve noticed that perhaps you could add in a future version is that there is no behaviour associated with De-Linking. So when I click on De-Link in the comment administration area, I have no idea if the link worked, if the link was removed, etc. Maybe an ajax message saying the link has been removed would suffice?

    Keep up the great work man. Ronald would be happy me thinks 🙂

    • Hi Jeffro,

      Thanks for pointing this out. I remember the de-link thing myself. Gonna take a look at that as well.

      I’ve got a lot to do for this plugin. Ronald made it super famous 🙂

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