Weekend rambling

Yet another weekend gone by. Yet another week has begun.

Had choir practice on Friday evening as usual. Began Saturday early. For some reason I awoke before 6am and just couldn’t go back to sleep.

Dropped Mom off to work on my way to Melody‘s place to take out Christmas decorations. Didn’t really take out many decorations as we just arranged all the old stuff.

After heading back home, I hoped to catch a quick nap before evening mass, but wasn’t very successful in it.

Mass was good. Sang well (despite my cough) and said the Soul of Christ good too, though I feel the way I said it last week was much better. The Soul of Christ is a prayer we say after communion and is really meaningful. It goes like this:

Soul of Christ santify me
Body of Christ save me
Blood of Christ inebriate me
Water from the side of Christ wash me
Passion of Christ strengthen me
Oh Jesus, hear me
Within Your wounds hide me
Never let me be seperated from you
From the wicked enemy defend me
At the hour of my death call me
And bid me to come to You
So that with all Your Saints
I praise You for ever and ever.
(By St. Ignatius Loyola)

Went off home and watched a movie before going off to bed.

Awoke at 9am like any other normal Sunday. Gave my bike a good washing. Had also picked up a seat cover and a garage cover yesterday, so I am going to have a clean bike whenever I need to use it.

Was Melita‘s birthday yesterday so went to her place in the afternoon. Had yummy chocolate cake and chinese food. Was there till nearly 5pm.

Didn’t do much the rest of the day except watch The Incredibles, an enjoyable animated flick.

And it’s back to work this Monday. Today is going to be a rather hectic day as I have a lot of work queued up.

What a Week this has been!

There’s practice in the evening, so I better not be too zonked for it.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. Hey you know what? I keep meaning to tell you this exactly… that “The Soul of Christ is a prayer we say after communion and is really meaningful” [we think soo alike].

    Anyway, I didn’t know the prayer & have been meaning to ask you to note it down for me – so THANKS 🙂

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