At long last we managed to get a weekend last week. It wasn’t much of a weekend cause I spent a good amount of time working from home. We intended to get our bike work done but last Saturday was the second Saturday of the month and all government offices out here were closed.
Instead we decided to go to Spar in the Oasis mall, which is walking distance from our place. Well, it is walking distance when you are going there, not when you’re laden with bags on your way back.
We ended up doing tonnes of shopping (our highest ever) and had to take a rick back home. The plus point is that now we have a fully stocked fridge with fruits and basic vegetables. We haven’t attempted non-veg as yet.
This has also ensured that I could eat corn-flakes for breakfast for the last three days 🙂
On Sunday we decided to go off to the Pizza Hut in Forum for lunch. The new menu has been made available in all the places!
On our way back we dropped in at the computer shop on the way. We finally picked up the UPS, which is an absolute necessity in this place where there is either constant load shedding on repeated power cuts. I also picked up a mouse, but it turned out to be a non-USB one, so will be exchanging that this weekend.
We had a training programme scheduled for this weekend, but it seems to be canceled now. So, hopefully, I will get the road tax for the bike done this week!