Where have I been?

Realized that it has been quite a while since I blogged about my personal life.
Been so busy with work and more than actually sitting down and writing became a bit difficult.
But, have finally gotten down to update my little blog.

To begin with, I sat up until the wee hours of the 21st morning to complete and release my Bad Behavior Stats Plugin.

Made a plan to spend the extended weekend with my Grandma. I say extended because Monday was a holiday here, one much needed after more than a month of continuous work.

Was there till Monday afternoon.
On Sunday I went for the formation course in Mt. Carmel’s.

And for the rest of the days, I watched TV. And I must say that I have realized that there isn’t anything really interesting on TV nowadays. Maybe because I have already watched all the movies or maybe because there are long-running shows or maybe because there just isn’t anything!

Headed back home on Monday afternoon. Met up with Rhea to buy her headset and then we order pizza from Smoking Joes at home.
Finished the day with mass and then choir practice.

Tuesday was back to work after a nice long rested weekend. Had prayer meeting in the evening but was unable to attend it as I had to work late. 🙁
Left work only at 7.30pm and was so zonked that I just went home, had dinner and went off to bed.

The rest of the week was also rather tiring.

Headed to Bandra on Wednesday to pay the token amount for the Sunday Choir Picnic. Was supposed to have done that on Tuesday, but couldn’t because I didn’t go to Bandra.

Thursday and Friday passed by normally. Had choir practice on Friday evening, where a major discussion was on for the upcoming picnic.

Had a wedding mass at 10 am :O and then the choir went out for a late breakfast to Garnish.

Had plans to get my house in order, but spent a good time arranging for the insurance of my bike, which expires on 1st night. Was finally able to complete this.

Went with James to Bandra to pay the remaining amount for the picnic, after which we met Austin and Melita in Lokhandwala for bowling.
We went to Bowling CO, but due to long wait times, we decided to try our luck at Fun Republic.

Played two games, with James and me versus Austin and Melita. Lost one by little and won the next by major, but my bowling was miserable.

On our way back, we stopped off at Soft Corner for ice cream. Went for mass after a brief changeover at home.

Sang bass alone as none of the others came to sing. Reminded me of the time I used to do it alone a long time ago.

And finally on Sunday was the picnic.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282