Would you like to see a Connections Revolutions?

I put up the Connections Reloaded 2 Roadmap over a year ago and updated the same with the Connections Revolutions Roadmap in mid-Feb.

It’s December now and the only site that is running Connections Revolutions is this blog.

With over 6000 downloads from this site alone for Reloaded, to be honest I lost the interest to create an updated version of this theme.
Nor did I receive any encouragement for the same, either in the form of donations and/or through requests.

Just got a request today about Connections Revolutions and would like to throw this question over to the public.

Would you like to see a Connections Revolutions? And what would you like to see in it?

It will have all the features of Connections Reloaded, but in addition to that it will sport a 3-layout, have complete internationalization, additional page templates, better WordPress Widgets support.

I also plan on implementing easy editting of the theme in the Admin area itself.

But, I will not commit to any timeframe. Studies, maintaining this blog and Techtites, besides my other ventures is a full time job.

If you are keen to get Connections Revolutions out, please send in your donation.
I hope to raise $500 by December end or early January.

You can send in a donation via Paypal. Click the button below. It will send you to the Paypal site.

Remember that donations of $50 and above will receive a special mention on the PR5 Donation Received Page

If you don’t wish to donate, you can even buy advertisements on various pages and feeds.

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  1. Oh.. Dear, I just drew a fat 250$ cheque from PayPal and my spending limit has been exceeded, else I would have surely donated.

    I’ll donate, once I add a credit card to my account and I need to be 18 to do so 🙁

  2. Hi Thilak,

    Thanks for the offer 🙂

    I haven’t withdrawn money from Paypal yet, as I use it to pay off all online expenses.

    When do you get 18? And even then you will have to convince the bank to give you a CC as you still won’t have a steady income.

  3. Hope those who like your theme contribute. I think you’ve done a great job with the theme and it’s fair to have contribution in.

    Good luck.

  4. Hi Ajay,

    Your 3 column layout is the best I’ve seen. I have Reloaded and love it but want the 3 column.

    Do you know when you will make the new template available for download.

    Would love to test it out once my blog is updated to the most current WordPress release.

    Thanks again,


  5. Hi Ajay,

    That means you will have the most unique blog theme.

    I was looking forward to the theme you use on this blog.

    Thanks for your reply Ajay.

  6. Nancy, if you are talking about the current theme you see, then it has nothing to do with Connections. It’s a totally independent design.

    I plan on releasing a “similar” version of this theme in the near future. I can’t promise on the time-line, as I have been postponing it too much!

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