WP Ajax Edit Comments – New Author

When Jeff over at WordPress Tavern posted that Ronald has been hunting for a developer to take over his Ajax Edit Comments, I jumped at the opportunity.

Ronald was quick to respond to my email and over the past week has been patiently sending me flow diagrams of how the PHP and the JavaScript in the plugin works, in addition to other correspondence, bug fixes and other feature request emails that he had received.

The present and the future

WP Ajax Edit Comments is a highly popular and more complicated than my other plugins. I’m currently in the process of studying all the material that Ronald sent me along with the code. I can’t estimate an exact time frame for this considering that my next month has a highly packed schedule with lots of traveling, house hunting and exams. However, this plugin will receive a good portion of my time daily.

I have currently updated the plugin with the new ownership details and svn upped the same in the WordPress Repository. Many of you would have been able to update the plugin from within your WordPress Admin.

This version includes no changes other than the change in ownership and the new plugin page, readme.txt and other details.

Ronald has already redirected all links on his site to the plugin page out here on my blog, so if you’re wondering why you are here suddenly, this is probably the reason.

Support for the plugin

Support for this plugin will be handled exclusively in the Support Forum. The purpose is to ensure a repository of questions and solutions, built over time. It also ensures that you can hunt to see if your question has already been answered. Please refrain from posting your questions as comments.

Also, please note that support will be a bit slow over the next month, as I bring myself up to speed.

To Translators and Testers

This plugin wouldn’t be complete without the huge number of translators and testers. I’ve already written to all the existing translators. In case you haven’t received my email, please consider this post as a formal invitation to continue support of this plugin.


Read Ronald’s post on the same or go ahead and download WP Ajax Edit Comments.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. There’s a fair number of comments about the plug-in at the WordPress.org support site:

    My wish: is there a way to allow edits by anonymous users indefinately? Or for a very, long time (e.g. I entered 44640 mintues to give 31 days of edit time).

    Thanks for picking up this plugin’s ongoing development!


    • Doesn’t it work when you set a huge number? Do you really need to have an indefinate edit time? It doesn’t seem a good idea, IMO.

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