The “Digg This button” is for website and blog publishers that want to encourage their audience to submit or digg their content on Digg. Join thousands of sites that have already added Digg This and seen their content exposed to the Digg community.
The Digg Integrate plugin will allow you to quickly insert the Digg This Button on your blog. By adding <!--digg-->
to your post, you can add the button. Alternatively, use the quicktags button to add the code.
It either display the number of diggs or display a submit button depending on whether your post is submitted or not.
I recently integrated DIGG Button into my blog, getting more diggs now.
Your plug-in idea is nice.
I could hardly found a Single Visit from Digg. but sometime its in full throttle
Any chance of a \”mixx\” similar plugin?
I like more Mixx than Digg and is a nice idea. Don’t know if anyone though of this before. 🙂