Wrap Up

...of the last few days

Not much going on in this world with me. Been sitting and studing late in college past week. Haven’t done much though. Today is the Electronics Instrumentation test and I don’t see myself doing very well there.

A few days back, I won a 3 month subscription to Digit for participating in a Samsung Contest.

Been checking out my MegaThemes stats. It really has been picking up traffic. I get over a hundred hits a day and more than 100 downloads I day. The more famous, the better it is for me 🙂

Have to go to IIT tommorrow for project work and lots of work has to be done prior to that, which means whole of today and tommorrow morning will be exhausted.

Have a great day!

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

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