Wrapping up the week

Have been meaning to post regularly but somehow it kept slipping by. Have finally gotten down to make a nice long post.

Tuesday was the engagement of a good pal at Mayfair Rooms. Planned to take an half day at work which actually spilled upto 4pm. Was pretty much a rush home, getting ready and rushing off to Bandra by 6pm!

The party was good (though I didn’t know many) and food was even better and in all humility I will say I was looking really really nice 😉
Will post pics as soon as I get them.

Wednesday was planned to goto Wellingdon to watch the Carol singing there, but I was a bit under the weather (still am) and so just planned on spending the evening at home. Had planned on visiting the doc, but couldn’t find a single one at 9.30pm (except one who was so crowded that I would have to wait till 11)
Met Madam A and her folks to discuss about the Christmas dance. Decided to pick up tickets on Thursday.

So Thursday evening we set off to Wellingdon to pickup tickets. The last ticket was sold in front of us! 🙁

Grrr…. called up Madam A’s cousin through whom we were able to contact a guy whose mom was selling tickets to Bandra Gym. (yup distant connections)

Met him, gave him the money and then went to Melody‘s house to drop off her license. However, she had a party going on and invited us in. Spent a while there before we set out towards home.

Stopped off for dinner at Gulistan. Had been there a long time back when in college and simply loved the food. Dropped her home. Hung out for a while helping them with their star.

Friday was pretty much a day to get through at work cause it was the day before Christmas weekend!!!

Got home and slept from 10pm till this morning 10am. I seldom sleep for 12 hours flat, but I really needed the sleep!

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

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