Yesterday was a good day

Positive thinking helps 😉

Made up my mind to not let anything spoil Friday and well the day was great. We did have minor problems during testing at work, but though frustrating, I think we can manage it 🙂

Like I had said earlier, my desktop speakers had conked off and so I was looking for a good set of speakers. Settled on the Creative Inspire 5.1 5200

Creative Inspire 5.1 5200

Piped up the volume to a full and realized I need to play the speakers real soft to ensure I don’t go deaf 😛

Watched King Kong this Friday. Well, nothing had materialized and while I was busy browsing Fame Cinemas to check out the movie schedules I found a 10pm show of the same. Booked the tickets online itself after she confirmed her availability.

We had choir practice in the evening as usual. Reached late because Kishore came over with the speakers. Anyway, practice was quicker than usual and Madam A and left immediately. Madame decided to change (I don’t know why because she was looking really fabulous).

We got stuck in really really horrible traffic, which seemed to be all over the place. She called and confirmed that the tickets would be kept.

Surprisingly we reached there in 35 minutes. Surprising because the journey normally takes me around 40 min in normal traffic :O

King Kong

Anyway, the movie rocked. Have written a very positive review.

The movie was rather long (more than three hours) and we only left the place at 1.30am.

Dropped her home and as usual did timepass till 3am before heading back home. Once again it was freezing and well after 3am it just gets colder.

Have woken up rather early (9.30am) this morning to check out the speakers 😉

May take a nap in a while as I have plans for the afternoon. Then again, I may not because Mom wants me to clean the house up a bit.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. well seems this saturday was off. yeah the speakers are great, my cuzin has them too. how much did u get them for and where from? these things seem to differ in pricing depending from where u gettin them.

  2. Well my engineer bought them for me. Cost me around Rs. 4600/- which I think was a pretty good deal.

    The six-day week hasn’t finalized yet so yes Saturday was off.

  3. ya i think 5.1 for 4600/- is a good pick. its the same here in hyd also.

    will buy it when i change buy a new system some time in jan.

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