Back to Bangalore
At long last my vacation back home draws to a close. This time I had the opportunity of a much longer vacation since I had to take my core leave. Consequently I spent a good 18-19 days home 🙂 One…
Pages, Places, and Ponderings
Pages, Places, and Ponderings
At long last my vacation back home draws to a close. This time I had the opportunity of a much longer vacation since I had to take my core leave. Consequently I spent a good 18-19 days home 🙂 One…
Having spent rather exhausting three days in Mumbai, I met up with Sneha, Akshat and Neha for pizzas at the Pizza Hut in Powai. Was surprised to see a whole new menu on offer. There have been several good additions…
I’m back in Mumbai! Had prayed for an uneventful flight and if you can discount the one and half hour delay and the turbulance, it was uneventful. Reached the airport. Was worried about being overweight (not me, my baggage). Dad…