Category College

I’m being FCQed!

Well, our batch (except for a few bookworms) are definitely on a rollercoaster ride this semester. Every single FCQ that comes our way seems to be a major disaster. Because of oversmartness or sheer stupidity, a perfectly well going FM…

Back to Lectures

Spent the entire day today in the classroom for Sales and Distribution. This is back to a full day of lectures after several months now. Didn’t feel a wee bit sleepy as can normally be the case and sat through…


That’s what my MBA Semester 1 GPA reads. And, due to rules of the university, I cleared my Financial Accounting paper… which means no stars on my transcript!

SCMHRD in your City

As part of the Admissions Drive, we, the Admissions Team are organizing a contact programme in Mumbai and twelve other cities. The event in Mumbai will take place in Ruia College, Matunga. I sent out the emails two days back…

Life Last Two Months

Have I been busy or have I been bored, considering my last post was two months back! Well, busy is more like it. WebComm Team This team was instituted after Ravi and I joined / founded it. And work was…

Confidently Messed Up!

As is custom, we had two FCQs today. Spanish was expected as the seating arrangement was put up. The other one turned out to be Operations Research. While Spanish turned out to be decent. Slight memory lapses and a few…

Check out

After numerous discussions with our vendor and after tonnes of days (and nights) spent by Ravi and me, we finally released the redesigned on early 4th morning. Check out the Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development website.…