Nice Saturday

Finally after several days of being cooped up at home, I got out and went for mass yesterday (all earlier visits used to be to the doctor 🙁 )

Met Rhea before mass and went for a quick sev puri before reaching the church on time. Mass was as usual.

Met Rhea again after mass and walked back to her place. Seen her after a long time and we had a really long long conversation about everything and anything under the sun. Also met her bro Ryland, who got busy playing “Prince of Persia” on my Nokia 6610. It was fun meeting her after a long time and usualy it was great spending time with her 😀

Anyways, I finally left her place around 10.30 pm and returned back home to find the internet down as usual (it’s still down as I type this)! So I had no option but to go to sleep.

Awoke at 9 am today.

Melody informs me today that she has to ditch the bowling plan. In a way it is good, as I can’t bowl because of my hand problem. The wound is ugly but healing. So, I shall be able to go to college tommorrow and I know it is going to be a rather big day!

Had a minor disappointment today, when I relized that Outlook Express has messed up my mail folder. Lost all my important mail 🙁
So, I have shifted to Outlook.

Will end this post here. Got lot’s of work! So much to do, so little time!

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

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