Tag Grandma

Mumbai calling 2011

I booked my tickets to come to Mumbai last month, when my plans for a trip to the USA and Canada fell apart due to my crazy work schedule. My past two trips have been on British Airways, but this…

A Busy Christmas Week

Been tied down all of this week with either gallivanting or working on my technology blog. So, here is a day-by-day summary of the last week or so. 25th December It’s Christmas day. Because of the Terror Attacks in Mumbai…

Two down, Six to Go, Vacations till then

Finished off my FSA paper on 23rd and awoke early Saturday morning for some last minute preparations for the SAP-BIW paper. This turned out to be a very comfortable paper to write in 90 minutes. Had a quick breakfast and…


My Grandma (mom’s mom) turned 75 on May 9th and I am really surprised that my uncle succeeded in convincing her to have a party. The party was held at Seaside Hotel in Juhu. Had an adventure on my way…

At Grandma’s

As I posted below, I went over to my Grandmom‘s place on Monday night. Spent the whole of Tuesday there and returned home this morning. There isn’t really much to do there except watch a lot of TV and indeed…