Journey to the Isle of Skye – 5 years later

A long long time ago or five years (if you consider that long), a much younger version of Ajay and Ashwina went down to the Isle of Skye. This was pretty much our first big holiday as husband and wife…
Pages, Places, and Ponderings
Pages, Places, and Ponderings
A long long time ago or five years (if you consider that long), a much younger version of Ajay and Ashwina went down to the Isle of Skye. This was pretty much our first big holiday as husband and wife…
I wrote about my trip to Edinburgh with Ashwina as well as the one day tour to the Scottish borders. Edinburgh is a beautiful city, but the beauty of the Isle of Skye blew our minds away! We had booked…
Ashwina and I returned from Paris yesterday after taking off for a short break before Christmas. But the story on that will be in a later post. This post is dedicated to the 1 day trip we had back in…
This post is already 2 months late, because soon after my trip to Scotland, I was immersed deep into work. Better late than never, so here is a brief summary of my holiday in Scotland. It was a good 6…