This morning began very different from all my mornings!
Amita woke me at 7.30 am to remind me that I was supposed to join them by 8 for badminton.
Clad in my Jeans and T-shirt, I reached to Takshila by 8.10 am to find Amita, Penny and James practising.
I haven’t played badminton in over six years, and didn’t expect to manage to do anything today. Surprisingly, some part of my past form did show today;)!
Played the first match with Chriselle against Amita and Penny. Thanks to lack of form, the two girls took the lead initial to 5-0. That’s when the maestro got his form back! Quickly wound up the match 15-9.
Melita had joined us by then and the next match followed with me and Chriselle resting.
As Melita took a break, I joined James, Amita and Penny. A & P refused to seperate and so that left James and me to quickly wrap up the next game 7-0 in just two serves!
After really lots of practise with lots of partners, we finally settled on James and Amita against me and Penny. Expected this to be tough for us. However, I guess lack of form of James and Amita and we won the game easily at 21-13 (predecided instead of the usual 15 match).
So that was 3/3 matches 😀
Next all of us went for a walk around Takshila from around 10.30 to nearly 12.00pm.
Got back home exhausted and with my leg aching like crazy.
Will be going again tomorrow morning. May the winning gods continue to favour me 😛
(Incidently, except for Amita and James, I have not known the other before today)
Baddy after 6 years? Your arm will hurt for like 2-3 days, unless you play tennis or squash or something…
Not just arm! My whole body renders me immovable 😡