Category Personal

Vivas soon

My DComm vivas dates are out and it will be held on the 27th of November. This is really sad, because it is going to make things real hard for us. We have a lot of studing to do and…

New Blog and New site

Finally has come online 🙂 The site is still in its preliminary stages. I have to still add the tutorials and dreamweaver section. But the rest of it is online 🙂 I had to move the blog however. I…

The TOEFL given

I gave the TOEFL today. Got a range of 240 – 297 😀 . That was really unexpected and extremely good considering I started studing for it yesterday evening. Sadly I made one mistake in the Reading section 🙁 Only…

The day today

Today was a decently spaced day. I finally figured out why my computer was giving problems. I had deleted many of the default OS fonts and because of this reason, the computer GUI looked pathetic. Found that out by chance.…