Nirmaan 2003

2 good days

The last two days (Friday and Saturday) was really good. I participated in the Web Designing, Logo Designing and the Web Monopoly contests and won the 1st Place at the Web Design which was expected. Also won the 2nd place at Logo Designing (Sid won the third) and we also won the 2nd place at Web Monopoly. Sadly we lost there by a point 🙁

Overall two great days, which gave me 3 certis.

The person who is in charge the SPCE website wanted to meet us to discuss on the design of the site (currently non-existant). It should be fun designing the college website and it will look good on on portfolio. I just hope I get the material before hand.

Got the DCOM test tommorrow. I hope it is open book or I am screwed. Got lot’s of writing work to be done as well so its gonna be a late day tommorrow in college. I also have to start studing as well, to get a good percent this 7th sem.

That’s about it for now. More in a few days time.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

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