Numero Uno on Google
Searched for Ajay on Google and found myself on position ONE!!!! So has the little SEO that I have done worked finally or has it been the increase in popularity over the past week. Will just wait and see? Update:…
Pages, Places, and Ponderings
Pages, Places, and Ponderings
Searched for Ajay on Google and found myself on position ONE!!!! So has the little SEO that I have done worked finally or has it been the increase in popularity over the past week. Will just wait and see? Update:…
I’m pondering on whether I should maintain a wiki for my WordPress stuff. I haven’t worked on Wikis before so I am welcoming suggestions for this. Also suggest a good wiki software I should go in for.
Just upgraded my computer once again by adding a 200GB Maxtor Serial ATA hard disk drive now bringing my total hard disk space to 360GB. The reason I finally took this decision was because once again my Samsung 160GB developed…
Have been experiencing problems with my other blog and so following a suggestion by Michael, I visited #wordpress at Seems like quite a nice place to get help and maybe provide some. Gonna be there more often, especially since…
It’s been over a week since I have been getting this message when I try to login to is Down for Maintenance Logins are currently disabled due to site maintenance. Please check back at a later time. I…
The other while checking my Siltide Sitescore the other day, I found that it kept reporting that it couldn’t find my site. I could see that my blog was working and I was even able to validate it as well.…
My traffic rank at seems to be rising steadily. In the last six months this site has jumped by over 2 million ranks and today is in the top 700,000 based on the last three months average. The last…
Came across this nice article on avoiding registration on free websites, thereby reducing SPAM. You can do this using BugMeNot. Read the full article.
Had a splitting headache at work on Thursday which got really bad towards evening. I guess it was because of my contact lens and the bad lighting around my office PC. Woke up on Friday morning with the headache even…