Tag computers

Numero Uno on Google

Searched for Ajay on Google and found myself on position ONE!!!! So has the little SEO that I have done worked finally or has it been the increase in popularity over the past week. Will just wait and see? Update:…

Now 360GB

Just upgraded my computer once again by adding a 200GB Maxtor Serial ATA hard disk drive now bringing my total hard disk space to 360GB. The reason I finally took this decision was because once again my Samsung 160GB developed…


Have been experiencing problems with my other blog and so following a suggestion by Michael, I visited #wordpress at irc.freenode.com. Seems like quite a nice place to get help and maybe provide some. Gonna be there more often, especially since…

Day at home

Had a splitting headache at work on Thursday which got really bad towards evening. I guess it was because of my contact lens and the bad lighting around my office PC. Woke up on Friday morning with the headache even…