Tag upgrade

VPS Moved

I’ve been plagued with comment posting problems for a long long time now. Infact it wasn’t just this domain, but all domains on my VPS. It wasn’t just comment posting but posting about any form. It didn’t throw up any…

Upgraded to PHP 5.2.1

I upgraded PHP on my VPS to 5.2.1. Had to patch the cache.php file as it throws up errors. I hope that the upgrade to 5.2.1 solves the commenting problems that people are facing. If you do notice anything out…

Now 360GB

Just upgraded my computer once again by adding a 200GB Maxtor Serial ATA hard disk drive now bringing my total hard disk space to 360GB. The reason I finally took this decision was because once again my Samsung 160GB developed…

WordPress 1.5.2 Released

Have upgraded both mine and Melody’s blog to the latest version of WordPress 1.5.2. Owen has posted a list of changes in plain English and is a worthwhile read before you upgrade. Waiting for 1.6 now…