Time of my Life

Bowling with Melody and co.

After a rather uneventful morning (installed the filemanager for Melody, I went to Melody’s house, as she and her friends had invited me for bowling!

We, i.e. Melody, Simone (her sis), Elvis (her brother friend), Delilah (her best friend and Elvis’ fiancée) went to Bull’s Eye in Santacruz. Had a nice time pass time in the car. This was only a prologue to the the fun I would have there.

Walking into the place was really cool and we got a discount because of Simone 🙂 My turn was last and Elvis gave me a brief explanation of what I was supposed to do. Yes first time, so I needed to be taught. The first ball I rolled didnt do so bad, but it didn’t do so great either.
However, things started looking up and I did get a spare. A turn later I got a strike! and this was followed by two more strikes!! 😎
I ended up with a total of 149 points, just 5 behind Elvis.

We decided to have another round, which was a good as well as bad decision. Bad because at the end of it, I had (still have) a sore little finger :-(. I started the round with 3 bad rolls, however, luck favoured me and I got 3 more strikes. That was the second XXX (love it how Melody reacts when we say Triple X ) I got another strike sometime later and finally finished off with a total of 150 points. Unbelievable!! 😀 I did turn out to be the top-scorer of the two games, which wasn’t all that bad for a beginner 😉

Poor Mello!! She did score really well in the first round (90 points). However, the second round was really bad for her. Don’t know if it shoule be attributed it to her aching arm (nothing to prove this), her name on the bowling screen (blame Elvis) or her “simply”. She managed a 34 with 5 zeros :roll:. She is going to kill me for posting this on my blog, but…!!

We went back to her place for tea and left for home.
Overall I had a really great time and I really really enjoyed myself.

However, the entire day has left me thoughtful. After calculating the damages, I realized it really was a bit too damaging. Once in a while is ok, however I could never afford to go bowling regularly.

Anyways, the days almost over. I look forward to more funfilled days with Melody and her friends 🙂

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. Ok, will put it in writing. Don’t care if the cops come after me. Am GOIN TO HUNT YOU DOWN, TORTURE YOU & THEN KILL YOU IN COLD BLOOD…….

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