What happened to the dinosaurs….

What happened to the dinosaurs...


“So all the evidence massively supports a theory of evolution that knits together everything we know about biology.

However, as high school science students in the State of Louisiana, you are entitled to learn an alternative theory supported by no scientific evidence whatsoever!

It goes like this. 5,700 years ago, a male deity created the heavens and earth and all life on it in six days…

Unfortunately, he didn’t like his own handwork, so god created genocide and drowned everyoen on earth except the family of Noah, a 600-year-old man who was charged with saving animals…”

A student interrupts Mr. Stiller, asking him to stop. Siller concludes… “Almost done, so Noah took two of everything including microbes, but forgot the dinosaurs…”

Source: Pagan Literal

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282

One comment

  1. One day my wife told me a joke about dinosaurs. Here it is:

    There were three dinosaurs stranded on a desert island. One day the first dinosaur found a bottle in the water and he pointed the bottle out to the other dinosaurs. The dinosaurs raced out and got the bottle. When the bottle was opened a genie come out. He gave them one wish each. The first dinosaur wished to be in his homeland and clap, he was gone. The second dinosaur wished the same as the first dinosaur and clap, he was gone too. And the third dinosaur said,”Gee, it’s going to be lonely here without them. I wish they were back!”

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