A really frustrating long week!

Ok this is going to be one complaint-ridden post. So read on if you want to read me complaining yet again.

It began last Sunday with me giving the CET for MBA.

This week was a six-day week. Managed to take last Saturday off to study for the CET. However, had to work for the full six days this week.

Managed to leave every single day at 6.15pm, so no complaints about that.

Have spent the whole week testing the product I am developing and I am not happy. Thanks to my darling friend Murphy yet again a perfectly tested system refuses to work when it has been repackaged.

Have spent a good deal of the past few days wiring, rewiring and taking steps backwards.

Well, things really got irritating today when I found the input supply to my system disconnected and the cables carried away. Complained and yelled and managed to get it back. Will it last till Monday? If not, there I go yelling again! X(

Didn’t make it for any choir practice, nor any prayer meeting. I am hoping to do so next week, however I really wonder if I will able to manage to.

The only respite I have had from the frustrating week is Madam A coming over yesterday for some Powerpoint work. The one thing I love more than making presentations is giving them. I have had my fair share of them in my college life.

Well, got one day off tomorrow. Am planning to catch a movie, most probably Cellular.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

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