Before the days of Professor X and Magneto, Charles Xavier and Eric Lensherr were simple special people trying to make their way through life, figuring out their “powers”. X-Men First Class tells their story.
It is usually very difficult to maintain a story line that keeps the user engrossed over several movies. X-Men has had its ups and downs over the past several movies. I loved X-Men Origins and this one does do justice to the ongoing series.
The special effects are really good and the whole set of mutants makes it even better. You get a preview of Wolverine, as Charles and Eric attempt to recruit Mutants to support their cause. Armed with their army of Mutants, they set out to take on Sebastian Shaw, who has a powerful army as well.
Can they win? And, at what cost? How does that friendship turn into arch rivalries? This movie sets out to answer them.
Rating: 7/10
This was a good movie and i liked it. Thanks for the post.
nice movie
I liked this movie too, but what’s up with weak explanation about Mystique simply leaving Xavier like they had no history? They grew up together, became best friends and then she just decides to go with Magneto… while Xavier is laying on the ground, shot, no less. Oh well, it’s a movie. Ha ha.
I thought it was funny how Hugh Jackman did a small cameo as Wolverine in the bar and then just turned them down. My fiance was disappointed it wasn’t a bigger part though. She loves Hugh Jackman, lol.