Open Browser Window updated to v1.2.1

I’ve updated my Open Browser Window plugin. This one is the big daddy of my relatively more famous Open Picture Window plugin.

Open Browser Window opens a new browser window with the URL of the page that you specified using JavaScript. Opening a page in a new window using JavaScript is a preferred method over using target="_blank" due to XHTML compliance issues.

This is a major update. For one, this plugin has been lying in the WordPress plugin repository since even before the repository existed in this form. So, I cleaned up the files and folders to conform them to the current use of the repository.

A quicktags button titled “OBW” has also been added which you can use in the HTML tab when composing a new post / page.

The code has also been fixed for better compatibility with later versions of WordPress.

Read more or directly download the plugin from the repository.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

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