Print, Mail and WAP

Gamerz has updated his Print and Mail Hacks for WordPress 1.5 and so I took the opportunity to once again add the Print and the Mail features to my blog. (Check out the printer and the email icons below each post)
Of course, I had to do a lot of editting to the files to fit them into my blog template.

Also added Page Navigation plugin by him for easy browsing of the archives. Check it at the bottom of this page just below

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And last, but not the least, I have once again WAP Enabled my blog. Again, thanks to his plugin.

Browse it at or with TT Emulator.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. Not really.

    What @media: print does is create a CSS page for printing the entire page.

    What the above plugin does is creates a page just of the single post with no menu / comment box etc.

    However, I believe it still needs to be tweaked a lot.

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