Two Weeks in a Post

One very different post for a change. Well I’ve been up to so much in the past three weeks that I just haven’t had time to blog.

Anyway, three weeks is also a long time to remember the minute details of the events so this is just an overview.

So here goes.

12 Jan – Met up with Madam A on the way home from work and we headed for Peninsula for a tandoori dinner.

13 Jan – Watched Wedding Crashers yet again. This time with Melody. My review.

14 Jan – Madam A came over in the morning to get a cd done, which didn’t happen. Had mass as usual in the evening after which had dinner at home and then went to Mocha in Juhu. Haven’t been there before. We sat inside as the outside is smoky as usual (Why do people smoke!?! X(). Ordered Coffee, Country Lemonade and Tiramisu. The first was really really gross :-& ! The second was delicious and the third was OK. The ambiance inside was quite good. But outside was really smoky because of the hookahs. Am pleased we didn’t sit out! Reached home early in the morning.

15 Jan – Went shopping in the evening 😀 Actually Madam A had to return a bag, but I grabbed the opportunity to pickup a sexy maroon polo neck and a blue and while pullover. Went to Bombay Blues there itself for a small dinner. Quite a nice joint.

16 Jan – Worked late as usual. Had my project submission to be done in 10 days hence the waiting back.

17 Jan – Visited our local Pizza Hut. What do I say? I love pizza! Their card machine wasn’t working and so had to pay in cash. I needa learn to carry cash around a bit more!

19 Jan – Worked late yet again. Am making this an habit?

Konkana Sen and Rahul Bose in 15 Park Avenue

20 Jan15 Park Avenue. Had heard good reports of this movie and took the opportunity to watch it. Booked tickets for Fame Malad. Reached there well in time. The movie was excellent. Did have a weird ending though, but the acting of the main characters well made up for it. Review coming soon. Off topic, have to mention that Madam A says that I almost killed her twice on the way. In my defence, she gets scared over 60Kmph and has absolutely no confidence in driving / riding, especially her own! 😛

21 Jan – Met up with a friend after a long time. The program was to visit the Handloom exhibition in Bandra followed by dinner at Juhu, both part of Celebrate Mumbai Festival. Both didn’t happen, so we decided to visit 5 Spice at Bandra. Found out that we would have to wait for half hour (read atleast an hour!). I hate to wait for food so we just dropped the idea. Next stop was a small place called Wanton. Had to wait there and finally were really pissed off with the entire waiting issue. Ended up eating at Smoking Joe’s. Pizza again! Yum!

Just Like Heaven

22 Jan – Had to go to work, inspite of it being a Sunday. Went in the afternoon and made it to Imax Adlabs immediately after work. Plans were to watch Just Like Heaven with Melody, Delilah and a friend of theirs. This romantic comedy proved money’s worth. One nice sweet movie. Though I did feel a wee bit lonely watching it. My review coming soon.

23, 24 and 25 Jan were work late days. A panel of one of my projects had to be dispatched and so we were involved in that. Was happy as this is one of the first products of ours that I have been involved in 🙂

Will put down 26 Jan to date in another post. Plan on adding a bit more details.

Well, I am still almost a week behind. Hoping I don’t have to do another Two Weeks in a Post again!

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. 🙂 Enjoyed both movies… next one “Things to do before you’re 30” or perhaps a play? hmmm…

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