Ajay the Typist

Those who don’t know me personally, would not know that I did a professional typing post when I was sixteen. The intentions were to be ready for the world of computers. (I plan ahead 😉 )

Anyway, when I started off the course it was meant to be at 30 wpm and scheduled for six months. Within three months I had finished off everything that had to be learned and was thoroughly bored. So I started out with 40wpm and finished that by the end of the six months.
I didn’t bothered giving any exams because I was more interested in learning.

Well, it’s been eight years since then and my typing speed has improved and online sites rate it between 70 to 80wpm.

My extremely perfectionist nature adds to the fact that any job given to me is done to the best of my ability and hence was requested to type out a song book by U. Conrad.

So a good time of Tuesday and Wednesday and the next few days as well are going to be spent compiling the book. It’s a fun job and the problem is verifying and ensuring the job is perfect.

Monday was spent collecting chocolates and viewing photos of a friend who just returned from the US.

Tuesday was also spent setting up a brand new forum for my batch at SCMHRD. If any of you folks haven’t signed up at the forum and will be joining SCMHRD here, please do signup and join the discussions.

The forum shall be the central point of discussion for our tenure out there. Ravi (who seems to be a geek like me) has been great help administrating the forum 🙂

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. It helps when you don’t need to look at the keyboard. When typing I just look at what the book I am typing from.

  2. hey ajay, well i would equal myself with you. typing is something i m really good at..!! so how is ur scmhrd discussions going on???

  3. I do manage around 55 Wpm or so, but the fact is that I wouldnt make even 15 on the Typewriter simply because my fingers get stuck between the keys 🙁

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