Connections Reloaded 1.2 released

Just released v1.2 of my theme Connections Reloaded.

1.2 comes as a major update with a lot of additions as follows:

  • I have added Links and Pages to the sidebar. Links displays only on the homepage while Pages displays all throughout. Currently only top level pages are displayed. You will need to edit the sidebar.php to display daughter level.
  • Version info is not added to the footer. Easy for keeping track.
  • Display of nested categories in the sidebar has been fixed
  • Have added buttons under subscription for Feedster, Spurl, Furl, Newsburst, Rojo and Pluck. If anyone knows the button for adding to Google Reader, please let me know.
  • All images used by the theme are now included in it, especially those used in the sidebar.

Read more about Connections Reloaded.

If you like the theme and are using it, please donate something for my work. The amount is blank so feel free to fill in whatever amount you wish to donate.
Thanks 🙂

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. Ajay,

    I must be the first one to post here for v1.2 This is in fact for v1.1 but may also apply for v1.2 If I click archive I see monthly archive of posts but each post is suppressed and images not shown. Is there any way to turn on display of images, if any, of each post by default.

    I’m expecting the same behavior as in clicking of a category at the sidebar.

  2. Well, it has been designed so that only the excerpt is displayed on the archives page.

    If you need to change that you will need to edit archive.php and replace it with the code from index.php

    If you want archives like my page you will need to create a page in the wp-admin with the template chosen as Archives template

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