Connections Reloaded 1.1 released

Just released v1.1 of my theme Connections Reloaded.

It now installs in the connections-reloaded folder. Minor update to the Readme file and few corrections in the CSS.

The look still remains same as Connections. I’m working on creating multiple versions of Connections Reloaded.

Coming soon to a computer near you 🙂

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. Ajay,

    I’m puzzled about posting comments. I have ticked it that users must be registered to comment. I have registered myself at my site for testing and level is at 1, surely I should be able to comment according to WP wiki. However when I view site after logging in as user I couldn’t see link for “comment” but just a link “no comments” which takes me, when clicked, to the archive page? Something has gone wrong somewhere?

  2. To check if this is theme specific, please do first activate the WordPress Default theme and try commenting.

    If it works, I shall look into it to see if it is a problem with my theme.

    If it doesn’t you may need to post in the WordPress Support Forums.

  3. Ajay,

    Have just installed Spam Karma 2 and ran a theme compatibility test, it said your theme isn’t compatible? Do you know if this poses significant problems?

  4. Well, I’ve been running SK2 on my blog for a long long time now with no problems.

    The theme compatibility check on my blog passes.

    Will take a closer look at the theme. What is the exact error does it throw up?

    Additionally did you try the advanced check?

    Are you running any plugins that could be causing this problem?

  5. Ajay,

    In fact it was the advanced check that gave this below:

    Could not find Payload in comment form. Your theme is likely not compatible. Make sure you used a URL that contains your blog’s comment form, try again and, if still getting this result, please refer to SK2’s documentation.

    This site I use as a test ground presently I have only category level 0.1.3 and FAlbum 0.5 activated.

  6. The link you posted above throws up a 404.

    Also do not add #comments in the link when checking.

    Does the Simple Theme check throw up an error?

  7. My apology Ajay, it was a lazy cut&paste. These are messages from simple theme check.

    comments.php is OK
    comments-popup.php looks OK (not present in the active scheme, should be using WP default)
    your theme appears to be compatible (but you might want to run the Advanced Theme Compatibility Check at the bottom of the General Settings screen, for extra security).


  8. Ajay,

    Can you have a look at this site, a “>” pointer for a child category appears misplaced for no reasons?!

  9. Seems to be some problem with the nested categories on the second level. Have gone through the entire HTML on the site, but can’t place my finger on it.

    Can you create more sub-sub categories and check if the problem repeats.

    Also please ask in the WordPress Forums.

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