Goa Travels: Day 1 – The Hitchhikers

Having arrived in Goa safely, Crispin and I reached the house to find that there was no electricity. We played around for over an hour to get the electricity back, but it was more than we could handle. Was able to arrange for the electrician thanks to U. Diego‘s help who came in the afternoon and fixed it.

Our first job was to setup the house, i.e. bringing out the sofas, table, fridge etc.

Eating the mango

Was conned into eating a mango that fell of their tree… it wasn’t all that sweet, but is this the beginning of eating a lot of unwashed fruits from trees?!

Crispin and I walked down to Cansa Board to pickup some drinks (no alcohol yet). Cansa Board is a good distance away from where we stayed and you got to get through a massive slope and so we picked up another 500ml to help us on our journey back. It was a blessing we picked it up!

Post lunch, we went back to Cansa Board, this time to pickup essential groceries. This time, I learnt of a more comfortable route than the earlier one. It has its slopes, but they are a lot less steeper.

Our third trip to Cansa Board on the same day was to head towards Mapusa in the tempo. Actually, the tempo is a mini-bus, but for some strange reason it is called a tempo. Maybe, that is because they actually ship a huge number of people stuffed into it!

We spent a good deal of time at Mafusa shopping coupled with a bit of eating and drinking. The result was that we got late to head towards Badem to drop off things at Crispin’s grandmother’s place.

We decided to go anyway and on landing there found out that there would be no more buses back to Mapusa. Now, Badem is a good 20 or so minutes away from Mapusa by vehicle and is definitely not a walking distance. Anyway, we dropped the parcel off and decided to walk back to char rasta (four roads) which was a place we could hopefully get some transport.

As we walked down the dark and deserted road, we started to get a bit tense about getting back. The problem was that Nana was at home alone and we had to get back. Otherwise we could have just camped at Crispin’s grandma’s place.

A little before the char rasta we were able to flag down a pickup-van with a couple who dropped us at Calangute (which wasn’t in the right direction) where we had some hope for transport. We flagged down a taxi who asked for Rs. 300 and refused to come lower than Rs. 225.

In Goa, the rickshaw and taxi drivers are just waiting to fleece you and we weren’t going to let this guy do it. We asked him to go and waited for more transport. Luckily for us, another pickup truck came along with a guy who agreed to take us to Mapusa for just Rs. 40. So we stood in the truck and travelled the entire journey with the cool breeze in the air. We reached Mapusa safely and quickly caught the connecting bus back to Cansa Board.

Drying the dishes

Dinner was quick. The washing and drying the dishes were not so quick and after a quick rosary we dropped into our beds and slept peacefully.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. Hi!

    Mango! I love mango, specially Dulce de Mango.
    Have a nice trip 🙂

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