Techtites – The Brand New Technology Blog

Being a thorough techie I’m always on the lookout for technology news and updates. Am constantly searching for some good freeware to try out.

But to keep myself up-to-date required me to daily go through almost a hundred websites (and steadily increasing).

This inspired me to start a blog that will get the choicest of technology news all in one central location.

Hence, 30th October 2006 saw the launch of my technology blog titled Techtites.

Why Techtites?

Since the central theme of the blog is technology, for the purpose of SEO I wanted the domain to contain the word “tech”. Unfortunately, almost every technology name I could think of was taken.

Until my astronomy pal suggested the name Techtites, which is a play on the word Tektite.

A Tektite

Any of numerous generally small, rounded, dark brown to green glassy objects that are composed of silicate glass and are thought to have been formed by the impact of a meteorite with the earth’s surface.

Tektites are considered to be of great value and I hope that Techtites will also be of the same value to you.

Today with a new look, I’ve decided to tell the world about it 🙂

Do check it out, subscribe to the feed and let me know what you think about it.

And if you have some hot news, you can tip me off.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282

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