I caught the IMAX experience of Transformers last year and loved it. So, it won’t be surprising that I was eagerly awaiting the release of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
For those of you who are not from this planet, Revenge of the Fallen is the second part. It’s been two years since Megatron was defeated. The humans and the autobots have formed an alliance. At the same time, the Decepticons are gathering forces. We’re not really sure what they are looking for (at least for the first half hour).
The movie opens with a spectacular action screen as the humans and autobots fight together to destroy a Decepticon. The Decepticon dies, but with a message, a message that would soon change the world as we know it!
At the same time, Sam is getting ready to go to college. Wonder why he would leave the spectacularly hot Megan Fox and do that!
The end is a bit weird and people claim the movie is too long, which it is. But, machines, Megan Fox, more machines, guns, war and a rail gun, why would anyone complain?!
This is one movie you have to watch and make sure it is in a theatre.
My rating: 8/10
Awesome movie!!! BTW got Megatron toy home 😉
But I still love you na!