Writing for WLTC

Regular readers of WLTC must have found a lot of posts by me since the beginning of this year.

Weblog Tools Collection is one of the biggest blog resource sites which I’ve been reading for a good number of years now. I used to post my theme and plugin related notifications out there.

Late December, Mark asked me start writing for WLTC and I happily jumped at the offer 🙂

Here’s the formal announcement.

You will now see my posts regularly at WLTC. I will be covering WordPress news, reviews and analysis of plugins, themes, hacks as well as general blogging related topics.

This is a great opportunity and an equally great learning experience to be writing for a site the size of WLTC (it gets more hits in a day than this blog get in a month :O ).
I’m reaching out to several thousand people, if not more, besides being on the Dashboard of all users of WordPress.

Thanks Mark!

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