I released v1.3 of Add to Feed and Add to Footer plugins for WordPress. Existing users should be able to upgrade directly from within their Dashboards.
Add to Feed is a feed enhancement plugin that allows you to easily add a copyright notice and custom text/HTML to your WordPress blog feed. The custom text can be entered before and/or after the content of your blog post.
Add to Footer allows you to add any HTML or JS code to the footer for your WordPress theme. This ensures that you don’t need to keep adding the same code in case you change your theme. Simply enter the settings once and you’re good to go!
These are both light weight versions of my plugin Add to All which combines the features of both above but is still pending a code refresh.
Changes in Add to Feed v1.3
- New: Completely redesigned admin interface
- New: Option to disable the admin-wide notice when the plugin is disabled
- New: Customise the title text that will be displayed.
- Fixed: Integration with feed will also work well with excerpts
- Fixed: PHP notices when WP_DEBUG is set to true
Changes in Add to Footer v1.3
- New: Support for Google Analytics’ new Universal Analytics
- New: Admin interface
- New: Disable admin notice if the plugin is disabled
- Fixed: Language initialisation and renamed localisation to add-to-footer
Will it also help for SEO?
I’m not sure how relevant is search results page on your blog and SEO. By default the pages are set to be not indexed