In the top 100,000!

Just broke into the top 100,000 websites as per Alexa’s Traffic Rankings.

I have been trying to achieve this for long and finally. I’m hoping this website gets a lot more popular and rises still further.

Will be creating new stats pages on this site for your ready perusal.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. I operate a price comparison search engine for books and textbooks called , we seem to get a lot of traffic but our alexa rankings are terrable, what are possable reasons for this? (we are a relitively new site) And what sort of daily traffic numbers are required to break into the top 100K sites? What is the correlation between the alexa numbers (visitors per million internet users) and actual daily visitors?

  2. Hi brian,

    if it is a relatively new site, it will take a while to jump into the top 100,000

    On an average you will need to have atleast 200 uniques daily to be in this range.

    Then again a lot of other factors determine this, including users using the toolbar etc.

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