Life this past week

If there is one thing a geek needs, then it is a good internet connection. Now, that is one thing that has always eluded me and there is no chance of it changing in the near future!

That is one of the reason this blog has seen absolutely no updates for a long long time.

The past week and more can be summed up as follows:


Practice has been on in full force for Good Friday. We’ve had practice four times in the last week and things are shaping up.

Le Marche

Had to sing for a funeral mass on Thursday at the Oshiwara Cemetery. Few of us from the choir decided to drop in at the “Mega Mall” just across the road. The place is still coming up and the only thing there was the super market. We weren’t out shopping so just moved on to Inorbit food court.

Headed home and back again to choir practice.

Yesterday was Passion Sunday and we were singing for the 6pm mass. Father dropped the bombshell that we had to do the part of the crowd in the liturgy. With no prior practice, I think we carried it out well 😀


My internet connection sucks. I’ve been calling Exatt up every single day for the past two weeks to ask them to come fix the connection. I dropped in at the office today and waiting for the folks in charge to come. The problem is they have no clue how to fix the frequent switch hanging.

I’ve been considering the MTNL Triband, but my mom is too terrified about “incorrect” billing on their part. I’ve decided to chuck the idea. If my net is down, a cyber cafe shall have to serve as my resort.

On the computer front, my Dad was down last week and he brought me a Kingston U3 DataTraveler.

I am very impressed by the drive. Besides functioning as a normal 2GB memory drive, the U3 Software adds autorun capabilities with easy installation of portable software to run directly from my drive. I’ve got my browser and other software installed on the drive, so no privacy issues at cafes 😀

Dad also got me a 120GB external hard drive. It’s small and portable and a real life saver. This will all be part of my baggage to SCMHRD in June.


On the college front, I received the results for XIMB. I’m 101 on the waitlist which is definitely not converting. Besides, I don’t think I will be taking it up anyway. SCMHRD seems a better option after weighing in a lot of factors.

The SCMHRD Foundation course which was supposed to start on April 1 has temporarily been postponed. I’ve received the confirmation letter and receipt for the payment.

Also metup with the several SCMHRD folks from Mumbai on Saturday. Will save that for a small post later.


Accompanied a pal to town on Friday. Have been digging up some stuff about studies in Australia. Maybe in the future. Then again, maybe not.

Have also made plans for a holiday in April. Things are shaping out well. I’m not much of the holiday person with hardly any trips at all.

But, the holiday always makes for some good blog tales…

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. I don’t think I’ve ever asked, but what type of church do you sing for? And for that matter, what of range do you have? I’m a baritone myself, and my wife is a professional operatic soprano, so choral music is close to my heart. Last year, my (then fiance) and I sang at the Catholic Church in our college town as part of the Lenten choir and it was a great experience.

  2. I sing bass in a Catholic Church. I’m a Roman Catholic and have been singing for six and half years now.

  3. @MAD, yes that was pretty much all she said, besides tinkering with laptops…

    We got some 2-3 days of freedom still from the latest news.

  4. Yes is it a code name 🙂

    And, I’ve changed some settings on my server. I guess they may be working. Do let me know if you face a problem.

  5. 3rd attempt to post a comment! I never had problem posting before.
    I thought you must be busy with some pre MBA stuff.
    My ISP’s service is same as yours. He has actually leased a connection from EXATT.
    I think MTNL is the best in Mumbai.
    Sify & Hathway also have service probs.


  6. Oops! I forgot to write this part due to the repeated attempt at posting comment.

    MTNL is the best but I use the current connection as its unlimited & has a good LAN.


  7. @Ajay, i m really glad coz havent been facing commenting problems for the first time..!! 🙂
    one of my friends made it to XLRI, accompanied him to chose his lappie. Compaq presario. God when will i ever enter a B school.
    Hey MAD & Ajay ..happy holiday..eingggg 😉

  8. @Ajay The multiple comments were not posted intentionally.
    I don’t use MTNL. I use cable net with an unlimited package & has a great LAN.
    Its obvious MTNL doesn’t have a LAN.

  9. @Parag, sorry I misread… I know the comments weren’t intentional. I’m still trying to fix that… btw, in case you get an error while commenting, refresh the page to see if the comment has come.

  10. Glad to know no problems… I keep making changes to the server with a hope that things work well, made one a few hours back…

    Compaq isn’t my favorite brand. And as for MBA, I can grumble at you for wishing that, now, can’t I?

  11. hey have u gotten into SCMHRD already for the 2007 intake ?? do you have any idea what date exactly does the program begin ? i was told june 4th but just wanted to confirm ?

  12. The Foundation course has already begun and college asked to report on June 1.

    Are you also part of our batch?

  13. hey !!

    Yeah im part of the course too. im doing my specialisation in HR though. what about u ? oh june 1st !! thats pretty soon. i thought it was beginning on the 7th of june. guess i was wrong

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